Today, the line between formal and street is blurred. To truly express yourself through fashion is to be bold and try new things. Mix and match, and blur the lines even more.

In the middle of a pandemic, the designers in The Forumist’s Talent Challenge ‘Realise’ are realising their dreams against the odds with colours, cuts, and materials that say everything about a world that will, eventually, move into the future.

In an upside-down world, the misfits wear the crowns, the meek have finally conquered what is rightfully theirs and the air is breathable once and for all. Esther and HOLY, two Stockholm musical thermometers, share their views of the world as it is and as it will hopefully be.

The 1950s didn’t only give birth to celebrated pop stars, fashion icons, dashing mods and exciting new movie stars. It was also when MINI arrived on the scene.

Theresa Traore Dahlberg, Liva Isakson Lundin, Susanna Jablonski and Lap-See Lam – four emerging artists who might just be the frontrunners of the next generation of Swedish contemporary artists.