It’s a time to recharge, embrace new influences, and prepare for the year ahead with renewed energy and determination to achieve unfulfilled goals. In our latest story, we travel to the wonders of Tokyo—a city of lights and endless urban rhythm that embodies evolution and elevation in every aspect of daily life. Let’s dream of the perfect start to a bright and promising new year together.

It’s a new winter day and the sun is struggling to reach its height over the horizon to bring its far-distant appearance to spread light and life to the north. Absorb each ray of this light and let it shine through, to light up the world around you after sunset.

A beautiful spring day in Tokyo overwhelmed once again by sounds and the rhythm that never stops until I noticed the smell of the spring followers carried by the east winds from the trees of the sidewalks and suddenly an awakening came like a rise of the morning sun to shine up my day and finally made me realize what I was looking for.