With graffiti being allowed in Stockholm this summer, we thought now would be a good time to shine a spotlight on the genre. (STHLMSAP)
Wondering about your summer plans? By Stefan Holm, Stockholm.
A random conversation on the lesser-known works of conceptual artist Allen Grubesic, by Tanya Kim Grassley.
Håkan Rehnberg – Double Scene at Moderna Museet by Axel Mörner, Stockholm.
Andrea Crews MEAN STREETS by Sophie Faucillion, Paris.
Stockholm fashion week A/W 2015 by Clara Uddman, Pauline Suzor and Lina Söderström.
The Forumist first spring/ summer fashion story delivered by our up and coming fashion talents, Elise Toide & Theophile Hermand, Paris.
Changing Places with Ninos Dankha, Prince of Assyria.
Eva Kerek is a true fighter, she never gives up, Stockholm.