
This story unveils Tokyo’s essence through monochromatic yet powerful images. As the world adjusts to unforeseen circumstances, individuals seek freedom, expressing themselves in diverse ways. The quest for liberation becomes a universal theme, inviting contemplation on personal freedoms within the city’s avant-garde spirit, where tradition meets cutting-edge fashion to pursue timeless freedom.

Team Credits:
Photography by Eizo Kuzukawa
Styling by Itsuka Watanabe
Hair by Hirokazu Endo
Makeup by Mariko Suzuki

Fashion Credits:
1) Top and skirt by KEISUKEYOSHIDA
2) Dress and bodysuit by TOGA
3) Shirt, shorts, necklace and boots by Sacai
4) Bodysuit by FETICO, pumps by YOHEI OHNO, stockings by stylist’s own
5) Car object, jumpsuit, and pumps by YOHEI OHNO, stockings by stylist’s own
6) Shirt dress with a belt by HARUNOBUMURATA, mesh cap by hair stylist’s own