Modern society’s instinct to consume is making too many demands of the Earth’s finite resources. The fashion world has made it all too tempting to buy the new thing, but we need to change our habits and liberate ourselves from the endless cycle of consumption.
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We are proud to present the recipients of our New Talent Award. Ten award winners have been chosen, all of whom have graduated from one of the top two fashion design schools in Sweden – Beckmans College of Design and The Swedish School of Textiles.
Avicii, née Tim Bergling, had not only left behind a music world in grief but also mourning parents, siblings, and friends.
Schweppes Selection, in collaboration with Södra Teatern, Stockholm’s leading venue for entertainment and music, have created an exclusive range of drinks in tribute to one that was popular when strong alcohol was proscribed and which is now in demand once again. Welcome to the revitalization of the light grog
Costa Rica is showing the rest of the world how to work with nature for the economic and cultural good through ecologically minded tourism and architecture
As climate change wreaks havoc around the world, it may feel sometimes that we are doomed as a species. But with human ingenuity and resilience, the awareness of the dangers facing us on the part of the younger people everywhere, and with the right political decisions, there are plenty of reasons for hope.
In an apocalyptic future, the vestiges of the world as we know it today form a scrap heap of artefacts that tell a tale of a human touch no longer needed in a society driven by automation. Yet the latest show of the American artist Josh Kline is more hopeful as well as a wake-up call for us to revere the living.
Urban life is going through a radical change. We are transforming the way we live and how we work. Sustainability is becoming an occasionally tedious buzz-word of the era, but it means so much more than simply electrification and a question of CO₂ emissions. It is a call for general action that some companies take seriously – just like MINI
Meet musicians Kleerup, Mapei and Linn Koch-Emmery as you’ve never met them before, as their personalities are interpreted as newly fashioned Schweppes cocktails. The Forumist interviews them to get the whole picture.
Swedish singer Zara Larsson has become the consummate pop star, with two albums, a string of hit singles and collaborations with other headline acts. Ahead of her next album, Poster Girl, The Forumist talks to her about her love of life, her ambition and the person behind the poster image.