Av Av Av are a Danish DJ trio consisting of ELOQ, UNKWON and DJ E.D.D.E.H. Their summery hit “All good” has certainly caught your ear and filled you with danceable vibes. When I’m meeting the three glad members of the group at the backstage of their Way Out West performance, they are exactly like their tunes – easy-going and sprightly. We share a warm festival afternoon laughing about childhood fantasies and adventures in the Danish woods.

– Paraphrasing your first big single – is it still “all good” with you?
– Very good, having fun touring around!
– You said your band is based on having a good time locked in a cabin far away from everything. Do you often feel tired by the city life and need solitude?
– It just happened naturally: Martin invited us to his cabin and we weren’t supposed to really do anything but we brought our computers and a little bit of samplings. And suddenly we felt: wow, what are we doing here?
– Isn’t it a bit of a paradox – electronic music is mostly about urban vibe and parties?
We need the nature! In Denmark there’s nothing really dangerous about the nature either. It’s very mellow, the wildness is pretty much gone. We go to the coast – there’s a peace of mind that just looking at the water gives you.
– How does your city Copenhagen and its sounds inspire you?
– Copenhagen is like: everybody knows everybody. It’s a good place for nightlife, a lot of clubs and Djs.
Until now, the audience in Copenhagen was a bit like: if we don’t know the tunes, we don’t wanna dance. But actually now it’s turning around. Before, everybody was at the bar until maybe 2 AM and then they were ready to dance. But now, when you come in at 23, people are standing ready on the dance floor.
– What about your second big track “Leia´s Theme”. Is Leia from Star Wars some kind of childhood fantasy?
Of course she is! We love sci-fi and we watched it a lot when we were in the cabin. The beginning tunes sounded for us like Darth Vader singing. And then it just came up☺
– You seem to like weird sounds, even your name comes from a Danish sound for ‘ouch’’- when something is as good that it almost hurts.
– We really say that a lot in Danish. The first tour we’ve been to together we were just saying it all the time. Then looking at names and we only come up with all the stupid ones. We ended up with AV AV AV just because it was the the most hilarious one.
Normally, if you are playing alone you do not stand and brag about your own song. But because we are three people and we like to impress each other, it’s great to say: shit, this is so good! Yes it is! We are a unity, trio, a trinity!
Words by Weronika Pérez Borjas
Photography by Clara Uddman
Special thanks to WOW2015, SJ, ESS HOTELL