You chase that diploma. You chase that job. You chase that promotion. You chase that salary increase. You chase that fancy apartment. You chase that life away. Until death…

Theresa Traore Dahlberg, Liva Isakson Lundin, Susanna Jablonski and Lap-See Lam – four emerging artists who might just be the frontrunners of the next generation of Swedish contemporary artists.

Submerge yourself in the process of an artwork. Extended silhouettes of shoes melt into the painting, colours dissolve into the background and fabrics approach infinity

Repetitive movement and sinuous motions will take you to new dimensions and places. It’s an ever-evolving approach that is essential while exploring the distinctive contours of life

Columnist, author, performance artist… meet Rhyannon Styles who, more than anything else, is an inspiring, warm and brave spokesperson for trans people everywhere.

Take me to the gardens of blooming cherry trees, where colours expand in harmony with the canvas of age-old surroundings. Let modern influences be unveiled through ancient traditions in a contemporary field of pure balance