Estelle Rancurel, Mathieu Selvatici and César Sébastien have wandered the streets of Paris and measured the street wear factor of the exuberant fashion capital. Here, they’ve put together a story with Annabelle and make-up artist Céline Exbrayat. Feel the simmering vintage vibe and enjoy this creative story with us.
Photographer : Estelle Rancurel
Art Direction : Mathieu Selvatici & César Sébastien
Make-up : Céline Exbrayat@callmyagent
Model : Annabelle@newmadison
Retouching : SophieK
Fashion credits:
1. Vinyl, homemade.
2. Jogging Velour from Lacoste. T-shirt from La Chatte de Françoise.
3. Jacket & basket from Adidas. Jeans from Wrangler.
4. Combo trousers from vintage hippie market. Earring by Justine Clenquet jewelry.
5. Dress by Alexander wang. Crop from American apparel.
6. T-shirt from La Chatte de Françoise.
7. Jeans from Cheap Monday, T-shirt from Mickey, shirt from vintage hippie market.
8. Body by Christophe Lemaire. Trousers from Plastic Rain.
9. Jacket from Kiliwatch vintage.